Saturday, November 1, 2008

战争纪念馆 War Memorial

The Australian War Memorial was opened in 1941, and looks down upon Canberra and Parliament House. It is open everyday between 10.00am-5.00pm. Also there is the Anzac Parade which gives you an opportunity to reflect on the human cost of war.

The War Memorial is considered one of the nation's greatest. Standing at the top of Anzac Parade, the memorial is home to a large collection of pictures, media and information about the War, personal and public records and more.

The collections held in the Australian War Memorial reflect a number of wars/armed conflicts with which Australia has contributed across the globe. These include WWI, WWII, Korean War, South African War, Gulf War and many others.

The memorial hosts a range of activities, a vast collection of information and pays tribute to over 100,000 Australian men and women who died serving their country both here and overseas.

Every year the Australian War Memorial hosts both Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorations that are attended by hundreds of people, both old and young. These commemorations are key to honouring the sacrifices made by the Australians who died at war.

There are small wreath laying ceremonies held every week at the Australian War Memorial, specifically the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. Often schools will take up the opportunity to partake in this special ceremony.

There are several memorials along Anzac Parade, with large war relics being kept at Treloar Technology Centre, (corner Vickers and Callon Streets in Mitchell).

澳大利亚战争纪念馆位于首都坎培拉的市中心的首都山上,他和澳大利亚国会大厦直面相望, 同时它还毗邻国家图书馆和国家美术馆。 澳大利亚战争纪念馆于1941年正式对外开放, 至今收藏着大量的关于第一次和第二次世界大战期间的图片,战争遗留物和文字记载。 澳大利亚战争纪念馆每年要接待超过100万人次的境内外的游客来此参观,因此,在2001年至2003年期间,该纪念馆曾经两次获得澳大利亚旅游业的荣誉勋章。
澳大利亚战争纪念馆的建立主要是为了纪念那些在第一次和第二次世界大战中为了保卫国家的利益而牺牲生命的英勇的士兵,同时通过大量的文字,图片以及当年保留下来的战争遗物来教育年轻人要懂得如何珍惜和维护世界的和平。 澳大利亚在曾经发生的第一次和第二次世界大战中,一共有约102000士兵阵亡。 该战争纪念馆为了纪念他们,分别在馆内建有3个主大厅:第二次世界大战战展厅;布莱德拜瑞(Bradbury Hall)战机展厅;澳纽军团展厅。 每一个展厅内都陈列着一些和当时年代相符的人物或兵器的模型,同时还辅以大量的文字和图片加以说明。 纪念馆在设计构型方面非常独特,无论是模拟的音效,还是仿真的人物对白,还有变换的灯光,都给游人一种仿佛置身于某一个战争场景之中。

每一年的4月25日为澳纽军团纪念日,在这一天,数千名退伍军人和群众从各地集合到战争纪念馆门前,徒步游行到国会大厦,以此纪念第一次世界大战中澳洲和新西兰联合军队中阵亡的士兵。 同样,每年的11月11日,为澳洲战争纪念日。 在这一天的上午11点,每一个澳洲人会在全国的各个角落,默哀一分钟,以此表达对战争中牺牲的士兵的纪念。


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