Saturday, November 1, 2008

澳大利亚的神奇沙岛----- Fraser Island

● Stretching over 120km (75 miles) from tip-to-tip and covering an area of 165,280 hectares (408,423 acres), Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world. Located off Australia’s East Coast in the state of Queensland, Fraser Island was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992.

● Characterised by its stunning freshwater lakes, coloured sand cliffs, lush rainforests growing in the sand, secluded creeks and long, white sandy beaches, the idyllic island attracts thousands of visitors each year who come on 4x4-led camping trips or to stay in lodges including the new award-winning eco lodge, Kingfisher Bay, built on the island’s west coast.

● The island is also famous for its resident populations of dingoes that are said to be Australia’s purest breed. Aside from its swimming holes, creeks and stunning natural beauty, other attractions on the island include the rusting wreck of the Maheno ship which ran aground during a cyclone in 1935 and the former logging camp of Central Station that’s now home to an exhibition about the island’s unique environment.

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